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(Veritas, Software iSCSI) Discovering new LUNs for Red Hat 5, 6, or SUSE 10, 11 When you are running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or 6 series or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 or 11 series and the software iSCSI initiator, you can discover new LUNs by rescanning the iSCSI service on the host. Choose to add a new SCSI device (Figure 4). Figure 4: From the connection drop down, select the tape drive or medium changer you are wishing to add. For the Virtual Device Node, select an unused SCSI Port and the SCSI ID that matches the SCSI ID from Step 1 (Figure 5): Figure 5: Note: The SCSI ID must match the physical SCSI ID from the host. Veritas NetBackup 8.1.2 Software Improved user interface that simplifies how employees across organization can protect data and modern workloads. Veritas Technologies LLC unveiled NetBackup 8.1.2 with a improved user interface that simplifies how employees across an organization can protect data and modern workloads. NetBackup 8.1.2 provides customers with data protection technology.

You can use either the sanlun command, the iscsiadm command, or the iscsi command to view the LUNs configured on your Linux host. The examples in this section show the type of output you would see if you ran one of these commands on your Linux operating system in an environment running VxDMP .

The tool you use depends on your version of Linux and what you would like to view. The sanlun command displays the host device names and the LUNs to which they are mapped. The iscsiadm command lists the available storage systems and LUNs.

Veritas Software SCSI & RAID Devices Driver

Download 3com bluetooth serial client (com15) drivers. The following sections provide examples of the type of output you would see if you ran one of these commands in a specific environment; for example with iSCSI and DM-Multipath on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 series.

  • FC running sanlun
  • FC running vxdisk
  • (Red Hat Linux) Software iSCSI running sanlun
  • (SUSE Linux 10, 11) Software iSCSI running sanlun
  • (Red Hat Linux) Software iSCSI running iscsiadm
  • (SUSE Linux 10, 11) Software iSCSI running iscsiadm
Note: The output in the examples below has been modified to better fit the screen.

Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode with FC example of using sanlun to view LUNs

Veritas Software SCSI & RAID Devices Driver

This example shows sample output from the sanlun lun show all command when it is issued in a Host Utilities environment that is running the Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode with FC and Veritas Storage Foundation.

Veritas Software Scsi & Raid Devices Drivers

Note: With the Linux Host Utilities 6.0 release, the output format of the sanlun utility has changed. The format no longer maintains backward compatibility when using LUNs mapped for Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode.

If you executed the sanlun lun show all command in a Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode FC environment, you would get the following output:

FC example of using vxdisk to view LUNs

This example shows sample output from the vxdisk list command when it is issued in a Host Utilities environment that is running the FC protocol. The vxdisk list displays the LUNs on the VxVM disks:

Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode with iSCSI example of using sanlun to view LUNs

This example shows sample output from the sanlun lun show all command when it is issued in a Host Utilities environment that is running the Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode with iSCSI and Veritas Storage Foundation.

Note: With the Linux Host Utilities 6.0 release, the output format of the sanlun utility has changed. The format no longer maintains backward compatibility when using LUNs mapped for Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode.

If you executed the sanlun lun show all command in a Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode iSCSI environment, you would get the following output:

(Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5) Software iSCSI example of using iscsiadm to view LUNs

This example shows sample output from the iscsiadm command when it is issued in a Host Utilities environment that is running the iSCSI protocol and Veritas Storage Foundation on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 series system.

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Note: This example lists the available storage systems and LUNs for a session with a specific session ID. To view the details of all the sessions, use the iscsiadm -m session -P 3 command.

(SUSE Linux 10, 11) Software iSCSI example of using iscsiadm command

This example shows sample output from the iscsiadm command when it is issued in a Host Utilities environment that is running the iSCSI protocol and Veritas Storage Foundation on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 or 11 system.


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Note: This example lists the available storage systems and LUNs for a specific session. To view the details of all the sessions, use the iscsiadm -m session -P 3 command.
Parent topic:(Veritas) Viewing LUNs mapped to the host
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